Get Involved


Looking to join Bailrigg FM? You’re in the right place! Whether you’re interested in news and journalism, want to get involved with our engineering team or just want to have your own radio show, we have something for you at Bailrigg FM!

We do all our planning in discord! If you want to learn more you can join the server here:


If you want to start your own show, come have a chat with us! Our station is located on the South Spine behind Pizzetta through the launderette. There’s usually someone at the station so come say hi! If you want to send us an email, message [email protected] and someone will get back soon!

We often have socials and events, check our socials to find out when these happen!

If you like what we’re doing and want to become a member, you can purchase membership for the year on the LUSU Website!

If you want to join a specific team, email the relevant exec here!

We are currently looking to fill the Head of Advertising position! If you want to apply, email Jake at

If you have any other queries, questions, or comments, send us an email! [email protected]



Does your society want a radio show or want to start a podcast? We offer a society membership that allows members of your society to work on a related show. We provide training for your members as well so you can get started easily!

Society membership can be purchase on the Student’s Union Website

